Safety First: Before you buy this kit make it sure, you can use these parts to make a brooder which is safe to use. If the design of the brooder is defective or parts are not properly fitted it can result in a mishap. Taking all the precautionary measures to avoid accidents is buyers responsibility. The bulb holder should be fitted in the manner that it does not fall down into brooder. Make sure the chord does not touch the heat lamp/ bulb, this can be achieved by using the zip ties. The beam with which you fit your bulb holder should be secured with the screws. Using this kit with a card board box and hanging the heat lamp into it is not safe at all. It is very important to keep your heat source at least 30 cm from your chicks. Never allow children to play with brooder. Don’t leave children in the room where you have setup your brooder. Don’t use these parts in the wet places. There is lot of information about DIY brooder on internet. Before cleaning the brooder turn off the bulb/ heat lamp, unplug it and let it cool down.
It is good idea to make a brooder box before you buy this kit. Keep wire organized by using zip ties, others wise it will interfere while changing water, feed etc.
A little carelessness can lead to a big mishap. Your safety is supreme to any thing else.
This kit includes parts only, it does not include brooder box, you will need your own brooder box.
This KIT includes all parts you will need for making your basic improvised brooder for housing chicks, baby parrots, budgies, cockatiels, reptile etc. Please note this brooder kit is suitable for a small brooder measuring not more than 50 cm wide x 40 cm deep x 40 cm high. It is only for indoors use , if you intend to keep brooder in shed or where overnight temperature drops drastically this improvised brooder may not serve the purpose. This kit includes:
1) Dimmer Chord and Bulb holder: 1.8 metre long cable fitted with Au Plug, a rotary dimmer switch and E27 heat resistant ceramic bulb holder fitted with brackets for easy installation.
Dimmer switch gives you full control over the light and temperature inside the brooder. If reading on thermometer indicates more then desired temperature inside the brooder you can rotate down the switch to decrease temperature and vice versa. It is fitted with SSA / CE approved ceramic E27 bulb holder. The ceramic bulb holder is heat resistant and can with stand high temperatures. Though 75 watt bulb does not generate much heat. This chord is suitable for bulbs / heating lamps upto 150 watts only. Do not use with the higher wattage bulbs/ heating lamps.
2) 75 watt UVa+UVb :This 75 watt heat emitter bulb is the perfect 24 hour heat source for chicks/ reptiles/parrots and other hand raised birds. This bulb screws into a standard porcelain incandescent socket, giving off intense light. UVA UVB has the effect of bactericidal, and stimulates appetite of your young pets. It forms a comfortable area for heat where young pets can rest and relax. In addition to poultry, parrots and other birds it can be used for aquatic turtles, snakes, lizards, spiders, frogs, mammals and other reptiles and amphibians.
Suitable for box dimensions
50 cm long 40 cm deep 40 cm high.
Raising Chicks/parrots : Chick/ parrots Brooder Temperature and Light Requirements
Raising chicks can be a fun experience for children and adults alike, but it’s crucial that chick brooder environments be set up correctly. Here are the brooder temperature and light requirements you need to know.
Brooder Temperature : A chick’s body has little in the way of temperature control, although a group of chicks can keep themselves warm by huddling together in a small space —When given sufficient space to exercise, eat, and drink, chicks need an external source of warmth while their down gives way to feathers, starting at about 20 days of age.
Start the brooder temperature at approximately (35°C) and reduce it approximately (3°C) each week until the brooder temperature is the same as ambient temperature. Within the chicks’ comfort zone, the more quickly you reduce the heat level, the more quickly the chicks will feather out. The dimmer switch enables you to reduce heat/light inside brooder with out altering the height of UVA+UVB bulb.
Turn on the brooder at least 1 hour before placing the chicks in the brooder area. A trick, I use is, to keep my hand warm in my pocket for a few minutes, then place it on the floor immediately under the centre of the brooder. You should feel a mild warmth on the back of your hand which equates roughly to 35 degrees radiant heat temperature on the chicks.
Let the chicks settle for an hour or so and then check to see how they are settling. The chicks should look comfortable and be evenly distributed across the brooder area. if the chicks huddle together then lower the lamp as the chicks are cold. If they are all round the outside of the box then raise the lamp as they are too hot. If they are all on one side of the brooder area this usually indicates a draft
Brooder Light : Chicks are attracted more to light than to heat, which is why commercial brooders have a small light, appropriately called an attraction light, near the heat source. One 75-watt bulb will adequately light about storage box 50 cm long x. To help chicks find feed and water, light the brooder continuously for the first 48 hours. If the brooder gets natural daylight, after the first 2 days you can turn the light off during the day. Windows on the south side furnish the best sunlight.
Even if the light is also your source of heat, turn it off for half an hour during each 24-hour period — but obviously not during the coolest hours — so the chicks learn not to panic later when the lights go out at night or in the event of a power failure. Putting the brooder light on a timer will save you the trouble of remembering to turn it off and on each day.
Light affects the growth rate of chicks, so never keep them in the dark. Even if you have to dim the lights to control cannibalism, the light should still be bright enough for you to see what’s going on in the brooder. A rule of thumb is that dimmed lighting should be at least bright enough to barely read a newspaper.
For brooder box you can use a storage box. You can find ideas about this on google or youtube.
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